
11/03/2005 2:37 PM Karen Halbach calls CASO to report her daughter in missing.

11/03/2005 7:13 PM – MTSO Colborn calls Dispatch to check about a dead girl turns out to be Carmen B

11/03/2005 9:22 PM Colborn calls in the license plate SWH582.

11/03/2005 after 9:40 PM Jacobs calls in to check if AC, DR, JD are at Zipps.

11/04/05 12:06 AM Tom Pearce calls into CASO Dispatch to talk to Detectives about Teresa Halbach.

11/04/05 9:27:41 PM CASO Dispatch DCI Strauss calling in

11/04/2005 9:37:22 Wiegert Calls Lenk asks for a couple favors.

11/04/2005 683 4216 Wiegert Calls Lenk for GPS Coordinates.

11/05/2005 8:17 AM – MTSO – Remiker to Todd H discussing Senglaub, Avery, Scott B and George Zipp.

11/05/2005 9:00 AM Remiker and Wiegert discussing possible timeline on Teresa's appointments.

11/05/2005 10:07 AM Wiegerts change of plans.

11/05/2005 10:28 AM CASO Dspatch- Pam Sturm calls into report she found a Rav4 on the ASY.

11/05/2005 11:36 am Detective Dennis Jacobs- Is Steven in Custody yet? Do we have a body?

MTSO – 11/05/2005 – ~11:36 AM – Dennis Jacobs FULL Radio Traffic and Dispatch call.

11/05/2005 ~12 PM MTSO Lt John Seim gives Interview to Tom Kertscher from the WI Journal-Sentinel.