The Court of Appeals’ denial is full of errors

Amazing Reddit post by Temptedious The Court of Appeals’ denial of Steven Avery’s request for an…

Write Steven a support letter

Reddit Post from Temptedious ATTENTION: For anyone who so desires, please comment a message of support…

Kathleen Zellner: “I have not read a single article, social media post, or book from a ‘guilter’ that is not riddled with factual inaccuracies, legal misperceptions, or profound ignorance.”

A great Reddit Post by Temptedious Kathleen Zellner: “I have not read a single article, social…

Examining the results from Velie’s search of the Dassey hard drive

Post on Reddit by Temptedious Examining the results from Velie’s search of the Dassey hard drive…

An examination of some Newly Released Evidence Photos

Post on Reddit by Temptedious Here is an examination of some Newly Released Evidence Photos. Highlights…