Paul Capaldi

What can be said about Paul?

Watch his channel for all kinds of insight on the Steven / Brendan case also known as Netflix doc series Making a Murder.

A supporter of Justice everywhere.

Link: Paul Capaldi YouTube Channel

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One thought on “Paul Capaldi

  1. Yeah Paul’s doing brilliantly taking over the reins after the untimely passing of Erekose.
    He does a lot of research and as he’s a fellow Scot,I know he will keep on going as long as it takes. Let’s hope it’s not too much longer as it’s gotta be the most obvious miscarriage of justice of all time.Its beyond me why lawmakers,justices,politicians, presidents or whatever can’t get involved.The corruption in the Wisconsin law enforcement and people higher up stinks to high heaven.Cops ,DAs,judges and politicians should be held accountable but sadly that will never happen. What a man Steven Avery is.To be wrongly convicted twice and to still be in good spirits is superhuman.I hope there is life after death cos if anyone deserves a happy contented drama free life it’s him.When I get down about things I think of Steven and Brendan and realise I am blessed to have my health and liberty. I’m confident the champagne corks will be popping before the end of 2021.
    Keep up the good work Paul it’ll all be worth it very soon mate.Erekose will be looking down on you with immense pride.All the best from Pete.
    Special mention to Millbille Dr Silkman,Mark Hoddinot, The Mindshock crew and the countless others who haved helped and continue to help the cause.
    Well done to you all

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