
This is one of the saddest days in the MaM Community.
We have lost one of the greatest Supporter out there.

Richard McAdam tragically passed away unexpectedly at age 44. He was a passionate, caring, and kind human being who did not deserve to leave this earth so early. Because of this event being so unexpected, we are asking for help to support his celebration of life.

We want to be able to give him a good home and have a ceremony where people can say their goodbyes. We would love any support you could possibly offer. He was undeserving of his life to have ended to sudden. His family and friends are all he had and we love him so much. He is well known for his YouTube channel @Erekose. He loved his community and everyone who supported his passion.

Thank you to everyone who has supported him throughout his life. He loves you.

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Services for Richard will be on

Saturday, August 29th, 2020 at 1 pm Pacific time (3 pm US Central time).

It will be 90 minutes and it will be broadcasted live on YouTube (click for the link)

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