Release: CD – Toyota Rav 4 Original Laser Scans – 11/15/06

New FOIA Information, Reddit Post made by Henbury

Thank you to everyone who supported and donated to the Erekose Celebration of Life GoFundMe.

I understand the GoFundMe is still open and accepting donations to ensure the undisputed champion of this cause (in my humble opinion) is well looked after. If you haven’t already donated, please donate.

As promised, and in recognition of what was important to Erekose, I hope releasing these records will encourage everyone to work together towards a common goal.

Obtained pursuant to FOIA:

CD – Toyota Rav 4 Original Laser Scans – 11/15/06 (raw data)


See also:

Nb. These are raw data files. The file tree structure and the files themselves have been maintained in their original form as the contents of the CD. I understand that the files will require individual downloading and third-party software to open. Please be patient if there are any delays with accessing the files: they have been uploaded to google drive which is subject to some access limitations, which should reset after 24hrs.

Please work together and support each other, so that these files can be opened and results posted on this sub, for the benefit of the community and most importantly, for Teresa Halbach, Steven Avery, and Brendan Dassey.



A big thank you to Zoey from Foul Play who contacted me, and I have provided an overview below:

There are two file types on the CD: .swl and .fws.

A program called Geomagic Wrap (free on a 30 day trial, 2017 version) opened the .swl files.

Zoey converted the .swl files into .obj files.

The following freeware programs will open the .obj files:

Zoey also exported photographs from some of the .fws files in case anyone wanted to view those only.

Zoey has kindly put all of the photographs, files, and software together in a new google drive folder.

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