Mandamus, And Other Possible Felonies

MUST-READ Reddit post made by Henbury

This post is dedicated to seekingtruthforgood and all the work they have done for this case: a real trailblazer. Thank You.

See also: Know Your FOIA Request (Some people found they’ve got What it takes).

Further to the previous post about FOIA requests, and in the interest of transparency and accountability, please refer to the following correspondence (links below).Summary

1. Request for Mandamus under WI Stat §19.37(b) of Wisconsin Open Records Law Request

Pursuant to Wisconsin Open Records Law, § 19.37(b), I request an action for mandamus be brought asking a court to order release of the records identified as Items 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11(a), 11(b) & 12 from a properly-made Wisconsin Open Records request which was denied by Sheriff Mark Wiegert (Mr. Wiegert) of the Calumet County Sheriff’s Office (CASO).

2. Notice of possible Tampering with Public Records under WI Stat §946.72 and Misconduct in Public Office under WI Stat §946.12(4)

Further to the above concerns in maintaining evidence integrity, please also consider this correspondence as a Notice of possible Tampering with Public Records under Wis. Stat. § 946.72 and Misconduct in Public Office under Wis. Stat. § 946.12(4) by Mr. Wiegert.Links

Request for Mandamus & Notice


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(1) Steven Avery Trial Transcript, March 7, 2007 (Day 18) pg185:

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