Wrongly-Incarcerated Singer Archie Williams Delivers Unforgettable Song – America’s Got Talent 2020

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4 thoughts on “Wrongly-Incarcerated Singer Archie Williams Delivers Unforgettable Song – America’s Got Talent 2020

  1. This was amazing, heartbreaking and uplifting so bittersweet all in one. So very happy for him that he was finally released, I can’t imagine spending anytime in jail for something I didn’t do let alone 37 years.
    I feel the same as Simon, I will always hear that song with a different meaning, Archies version.
    How amazing and awesome would it be to see him go through and win !!
    Now that would be the most amazing thing ever to happen for Archie, I just hope and pray he does win, he has a beautiful voice and sings with so much passion. ????????????

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