A Reddit Post made by Magilla 39
2020-03-03, Magilla39, Requiem for Teresa: A working theory of a Ryan-Teresa confrontation

We will start at the place that Teresa was last seen, and we will assume she was driving home. If Teresa left Steven Avery’s residence around 2:35 pm to 2:37 pm, as Zellner’s timeline proposes, she would be expected home sometime around 3:17 pm to 3:19 pm (see redacted map below).

Once arriving at home, the first thing she would do was bring her equipment and papers into her house and maybe try to finish her AutoTrader paperwork. However, it appears Teresa never did get her equipment inside, nor did she contact AutoTrader, or her Mom, or sister Kelly, as she was in the habit of doing. If much more time had passed, she would have definitely called someone and brought some things from the RAV4 into the house. Maybe she did get in briefly, but she was not there long.
Instead, I think Ryan confronted Teresa on her gravel driveway when she was unloading the cargo bay of her RAV4. He proposed they get back together; she told him she was never coming back. This greatly upset him, so he lost his cool and shoved her. She fell down and hurt the back of her head very badly.

At this point, Teresa started screaming, so Ryan had to get on top of her to shut her up. He covered her mouth and choked her with his left hand and struck at her with his right. She scratched his left hand and kept trying to scream, so he used something that was readily available (tire iron, life hammer, or camera tripod perhaps) and started hitting her with it (blood spatter on RAV4 door). She fell unconscious.

Now, Ryan’s first priority would be to clean-up the crime scene before Scott got off work at 4:30 pm and was home sometime before 5:00 pm. Then he needed to hide his car and get the RAV4 out of Hilbert, a place where too many people would recognize it. Teresa’s home was in a remote place, with a private driveway, but had someone already seen their fight?

At 3:48pm, 29 to 31 minutes after Teresa arrived, the confrontation is over. Ryan is in the RAV4 with Teresa in back, driving away in the direction of Shiocton. He may have moved the RAV4 to the cemetery lot at the church about 600 yards to the east, where Teresa would eventually be buried, then run back to fetch his own car from her driveway. Someone would need to bring him back to the church to get it.
While driving the RAV4, he checks his voicemail and then calls his sister Tara’s and brother-in-law Chad’s landline (Call 262 above). Someone answers and they talk for 21 minutes. A little later, someone calls Ryan and they talk for 23 minutes more (Call 264, please note the call marked “Sister Tara” may be a misidentified; I am trying to reconfirm this information; I got this information from georgezipperer.blogspot.com). The drive to Shiocton takes about 53 minutes (see map below). Ryan’s likely making arrangements using half truths and lies.

His sister, Tara, and brother-in-law Chad live in Shiocton, WI, and they have access to an old white 1977 Jeep CJ-5 that is used for off-roading and is kept in Chad’s parent’s driveway, at a home just outside Shiocton. The Jeep matches Wilmer S’s description to Algoma, “It was a white Jeep, just a smaller Jeep, and it looked liked the paint was peeling off the hood. You could see like an undercoating on the hood…” (link). We can’t confirm the details of the CJ-5’s hood, but it was 18 years old in 2005.

At some remote location nearer Shiocton, Ryan and Teresa complete their sad affair. He leaves her body hidden and goes away in the RAV4. Now Ryan’s attention turns to his own peril. Will Scott B find something he missed at the crime scene and alert the police? Ryan is panicked; he has to know!

At 7:37pm, Ryan can wait no longer, his telltale heart beating furiously like a drum. He calls Scott B (Call 268, above) pretending to be just checking in. It goes to voicemail, but Scott calls Ryan back about 10 minutes later (Call 269, above).
Ryan breathes a sense of relief; Scott hasn’t noticed a thing. Ryan has cleared his first set of hurdles in what would be a long journey forward. After that call, Ryan’s attention turns back to Teresa’s body. His phone records show that Ryan goes dark for the next 17.5 hours, enough time for a thorough cremation. Afterward he would stash the RAV4 somewhere inconspicuous, and call Tara and ask her to pick him up and take him back to his car at the church.
Halloween has drawn to a close.
(1) All concerned:
Some other researchers and I have been trying to verify that call 264 was Ryan’s sister Tara, but we have not been able to do it. It currently belongs to someone who didn’t have the number then. If I am mistaken, this number is really an unidentified subject at this time.
The attribution was in a spreadsheet I developed when Ryan’s phone records first came out. If anyone can help confirm this, or provide the proper attribution, please help.
Very respectfully,
I have found my source for calling call 264 a call from “Sister Tara”. I got this information from:
(2) The “tripod” in this working theory is just a placeholder for a weapon of opportunity at hands reach in the cargo bed. If the lug wrench was laying on the bed, rather than being stowed, it too could be that weapon of opportunity. Remember under this working theory, this was a crime of passion, and not premeditated.
Link to Picture of Teresa as a Child
Updated possible weapon discussion.