An examination of some Newly Released Evidence Photos

Post on Reddit by Temptedious

Here is an examination of some Newly Released Evidence Photos. Highlights include photos of: the VIN number Remiker used to confirm ownership of the RAV; Mysterious “Dating Papers”; Unexplained Male Blood; Incriminating Plat Maps; Torn Women’s Jeans; Maps to Whitelaw; and Mundane Pornography.

In this post I examine quite a few new evidence photos that were recently released by users on TTM and elsewhere. I reviewed shots from the dump of New Calumet County Photos as well as shots from the New Wisconsin State Patrol Photos.

Below is a table of contents so everyone can easily navigate the post to find the photos they are most interested in seeing / reading about:

i. Enhanced shot of the VIN number used to confirm the identity of Teresa’s vehicle.
ii. Enhanced shot of the reverse side of a “Dating Paper” found in Avery’s vehicle.
iii. Close up of Item A23, unidentified male blood on the exterior of Teresa’s RAV
iv. Plat maps of Avery Salvage and the surrounding Quarry properties
v. An Audiovox Cell Phone; Torn Women’s jeans; and an Empty Box of Lubricant
vi. Suspicious Handwriting on the back of CASO search logs
vii. Revealing Kuss Road photos
viii. Honorable Mentions:

    a. Avery’s playboys
    b. Brendan’s bleached jeans
c. 2003 Attorney General’s Report found in Avery’s trailer.
  d. Yahoo Maps print out with roads to Whitelaw highlighted
e. Sampling of burn pit soil / Hammer collected from burn pit
f. All biological material returned to the Halbachs in 2011

And if anyone prefers (because there are so many photos below) here is an Album containing all “new” photos linked in this post, along with some older photos and screenshots of motions etc. Let’s begin.

I. Recently Released VIN Pictures

I was definitely eager to see new photos of Teresa’s VIN, but I was most excited to specifically see a photo of the VIN that was used by Remiker to confirm the identity of Teresa’s vehicle. I’ve done a few posts about this subject, so it is nice to finally have that specific photo (which I’ve dubbed below as the “tampered VIN”). Here are all the new VIN pictures I noticed:

  • Partially Blurred VIN: This picture of the VIN appears to be blurred in an unnatural manner. Just the very middle of the VIN is clear and there is intense blurring on each side of the photograph making the beginning and end of the VIN number difficult to read.
  • As far as I know, this photo from is a different picture of the same VIN number. As we can see the new photo, while blurry on each side, is still a better photograph in terms of being able to read the VIN.
  • Fully Blurred VIN: This picture of the VIN is from the underside of the hood. This very photo was previously released on, however the new one is much better quality (the old one the VIN was totally unreadable). Even in the new higher definition photo we can still tell the VIN is slightly blurred all the way through, making the entire number difficult, but not impossible, to read.
  • Here is an enhanced version of the above linked photo, making the entire 17 character VIN much more legible.
  • Tampered VIN: Finally, after all this time, here is a picture of the VIN (driver’s side dash) that was relayed by Pam over the phone to Wiegert and Pagel on Nov 5, 2005. This exact same VIN was later examined by Remiker, who said it appeared to have been tampered with. Nevertheless, Remiker said he (with the aid of a flashlight) was able to read all 17 characters from this VIN sticker, allowing him to positively identify the vehicle as belonging to Teresa Halbach, which in turn resulted in Wiegert being granted a warrant.
  • Here is an enhanced version of the driver’s side dash VIN number. Even with the enhanced version I can only easily make out 3044. After I double checked what Teresa’s VIN was I realized you can somewhat see the “11” immediately preceding “3044,” however that wasn’t obvious to me until I confirmed what the the VIN number was.

Nov 5, 2005: Confirming the Identification of Teresa’s Vehicle

First, note that CASO Sheriff Pagel correctly reported (CASO 58) Pam only provided he and Wiegert with “a partial VIN, which had similarities to the VIN for TERESA HALBACH’s vehicle.” On Page 61 of the CASO we can see the actual transcript of Pam’s call with Pagel and Wiegert. The transcript confirms Pagel told Pam to look for the driver’s side dash VIN number.

PAM: I have found a RAV4. What color specifically was her RAV4? And do You have a VIN number?

DISPATCH: Um. It was green.

PAM: Okay, this, I don’t know, this is like a bluish-green. okay, do you, do you have the ID number.

DISPATCH: Hold on, hold on —

SHERIFF: Hi, this is Sheriff Pagel.

PAM: Oh, Sheriff Pagel, hi, this is Pam Sturm. I’m on the search for Teresa Halbach and we found a RAV4.

SHENFF: You did?

PAM: It’s a — It’s a bluish-green though, it’s more blue than green. We just wanted to know if you got the VIN number for that vehicle?

SHENFF: Yes we do. We do have a VIN number.

PAM: And where is the VIN number on something like this?

SHERIFF: The VIN number would probably be on the windshield or underneath on the dash. Driver’s side.

PAM: Dash, driver’s side, Nik. It’s — it’s more of a bluish-green though, that’s why we don’t want to put, you know —

WIEGERT: Is there any license plates on it?

PAM: No plates on it but it’s a little covered up, it’s weird, it’s covered up.

WIEGERT: Can you get to the front of the car?

PAM: Yeah, I will. Is it okay if I go in the car?

WIEGERT: No, do not go in the car. Do not touch the car.

PAM: Yeah.

WIEGERT: Stay on the outside of the car, go over to the front on the driver’s side.

PAM: Yeah, I — I realize that. I’m in the business so I kinda know how, but I can’t find the VIN number. I’m picking up the wiper.


PAM: There is, I can’t find the VIN number. Isn’t that funny. I don’t have my glasses either.

WEIGERT: You don’t have your glasses.

PAM: Oh, here it is. Okay, now hang on. The first — the last four digits — 3044.

WIEGERT: Okay, hold on, I have to find it here again. 3044?

PAM: Yes.

WIEGERT: Okay — Can you go even more in?

PAM: I don’t know.

WIEGERT: Can you see any other numbers?

PAM: Yes, say it real slow Nik. We can’t see the very beginning numbers but here goes “T0Z5X7” and a “1” or a “T”, and another “1” or a “T”.

WIEGERT: Okay, where are You?

PAM: Is that the number?

WIEGERT: Where are you?

PAM: No, you gotta tell me if this is the car.

WIEGERT: Okay, stop. I can’t tell you anything. Where are you?

PAM: I’m at Avery Salvage.

Remiker’s Role

After Pam’s phone call with Calumet, Manitowoc County Detective Remiker showed up on the Avery property and met with Pam. With the aid of a flashlight Remiker was able to confirm that all 17 characters of the VIN was an exact match for the VIN of Teresa Halbach’s vehicle. After hearing the news from Remiker, Wiegert submitted an affidavit for search warrant (Full PDF) in which he included multiple false statements in order to be swiftly granted control of the Avery property. Here are just a few of those false statements:

Buting noticed all the above discrepancies and filed a Motion to Suppress (Full PDF Motion) arguing the fruits of the Nov 5 warrant were poisoned due to Wiegert having used false statements to acquire the warrant. Remiker was one the of witnesses called during this pre trial hearing, and it was during his testimony that Remiker admitted the VIN he examined on Nov 5, 2005, appeared to have been tampered with.

Buting questions Remiker – Pre Trial Hearing (Page 141):

BUTING: You say in your report, “I was able to verify all but the first two numbers on the VIN”.

REMIKER: That’s what it says.

JB: So would that be more accurate than your memory today?

DR: If you read the next paragraph, I think it explains it. “The VIN was confirmed as the VIN number for the missing Halbach vehicle.”

JB: Confirmed how?

DR: I read all 17 numbers.

JB: At first you couldn’t read the VIN, and then you did read it later?

DR: The VIN plate was moved. And with the sunlight and the windshield, you couldn’t see it real well. I got a flashlight from — it was either Orth or Hermann — and I used the flashlight to illuminate the numbers. I could get all the VIN numbers then.

JB: Is this the VIN number that’s found up on the dashboard, by the driver’s side?

DR: Correct.

JB: You say it was moved?

DR: Well, it looked like somebody had tampered with it. It was bent. And it wasn’t in original factory condition.

JB: Okay. And you weren’t able to see it without the use of a flashlight?

DR: I believe it was the first two numbers I couldn’t get. Then when I got the flashlight, I shined it in there and I was able to get all 17 numbers.

JB: Okay. Did you check any of the doors?

DR: I didn’t touch that vehicle.

Thoughts and Questions:

  • The newly released photo of the driver’s side dash VIN number is the same VIN number referred to by Pam during her November 5, 2005, call to dispatch (Pagel told Pam to check “underneath the windshield on the driver’s side dash”).
  • Next, Remiker also confirmed the VIN he used to confirm the indentity of the vehicle was “found up on the dashboard, by the driver’s side.”
  • Without doubt Remiker and Pam are both talking about the same VIN number, which we now have a photo of. I was excited to see this photo because for years people have been discussing the “tampered VIN number.” There does seem to be something unnatural about the driver’s side dash VIN, although to be honest I don’t really understand what Remiker meant when he said the VIN appeared “bent.” Frankly, that seems like an incorrect descriptive term. It more so appears like someone tried to move the number up or maybe even that someone tried to scratch the middle of the number off.
  • I am a tad bit suspicious of Remiker’s claim that he was able to read the entire VIN number, although I admit it is hard to gauge how much a flashlight might have improved his visual acuity when all we have is a single photo. One question that remains – why would Wiegert feel the need to falsely report that it was “the searchers” that provided the full VIN number when he himself was on the call with Pam when she was reading off only a partial VIN number? It doesn’t make much sense for Wiegert to do that considering he should have known the transcript would contradict him.
  • SPECULATION: I can’t figure out the motive, but I think one possibility is Remiker might have, for some reason, falsely represented to Wiegert that it was Pam, not he, who was able to read the full VIN number after she got off the phone, but before Remiker arrived. Months later Remiker had to walk this claim back at hearing, clarifying it was he, not Pam, who was able to read the full VIN number. Of course despite Remiker’s eventual clarification, we know he never explicitly reported being able to read the full VIN number, and as we know, in his affidavit Wiegert reported the opposite of what Remiker told Buting on the stand.

II. The Double Sided Dating Paper

Next I briefly examine the origins of a single piece of paper found in Avery’s truck by Kurcharski, Remiker and Colborn. This piece of paper had the words: “CAN WE GET YOUR NUMBER?” scribbled on it in large letters. The paper is referred to as a “Dating Paper” on the accompanying tag number (8415) revealed via the new CASO photos.

I had a bit of trouble finding this item in the CASO because the term “Dating Paper” never comes up. However, I was able to find what I was looking for when I searched for just “dating.”

Nov 6, 2005, Kurcharski CASO Report, PG 102:

At the command post, Lt. BOWE gave me the assignment of searching and collecting any evidence from a Ford F350 parked at the garage at XXXXX Avery Rd. Det. REMIKER. Sgt. COLBORN and I went to the vehicle and conducted the search. Sgt. COLBORN and I photographed the vehicle. I found and collected hair fibers from both the passenger and driver’s side floors in the vehicle. Also collected was a blanket, floor mat with reddish brown stains on it, a rag, and a paper with a computer dating type service printed on it.

Kurcharski failed to report the handwritten question on the reverse side of the print out (Can we get your number?) and instead chose only to describe the front of the paper as having “a computer dating type service printed on it.” But when the paper was photographed at CASO, only the reverse side with the scribbled “Can we get your number?” was captured, and for some reason officers neglected to photograph the front side of the paper with the “dating type service” that Kurcharski chose to identify in his report.

mirrored the image and increased the sharpness and contrast in an attempt to read what was on the reverse side of the paper. I was able to clearly make out the Yahoo logo, and also could clearly read the phrase, “Yahoo personals. More first dates. Better second dates. Discover great singles at Yahoo.” That’s about all I am confident about.

At this point I realized this paper is likely irrelevant. I recalled that Steven Avery, in his affidavit, said the following:

My computer was never used to do Google searches. My girlfriend, Jodi, and my sister, Barb, did yahoo searches. I was present with my sister, Barb, who did a search of dating sites for my brother, Chuck. The only other searches were done by my girlfriend. At no time were searches ever done on my computer for images of Teresa Halbach or images of violent pornography.

That might explain this piece of paper (Barb was checking Yahoo personals for Chuck) although I admit I still can’t explain why they failed to photograph the “dating type service” on the front of this paper, especially considering the print out of the dating type service was what Kurcharski noted in his report. Maybe they just felt it contained too much personal information to release to the public via FOIA. And obviously I can’t explain the origin of the handwritten question on the back of the paper. I don’t think they ever asked Avery about either side of the paper, so the investigators also must have thought it irrelevant.

III. Close up of Item A23 (Male blood on Teresa’s RAV that didn’t match Avery’s profile)

Below are two close up photos of Item A23 as well as a nearby latent print. The photographer being so close to the RAV with the flash on resulted in some exposure problems, so the enhanced photo is best:

The enhanced photo does a better job of showing the true extent of the blood on the RAV. Recall this blood was not noticed by anyone on November 5, 2005. No one, not Pam, her daughter, Orth, Remiker, Hermann Ertl, or Fassbender mentioned seeing blood. Indeed many of those individuals were specifically asked by Buting and or Kratz on the stand and all of them said they didn’t notice any blood on or in the RAV on Nov 5, 2005.

Also recall the founder of TTM discovered photos taken of the RAV on Nov 5 don’t seem to show the blood from A23 on the exterior of Teresa’s cargo door – but then the blood suddenly appears when the vehicle is photographed at the crime lab. I’ve always believed that discovery was significant, and might explain why Kratz was so careful to have every single one of his witnesses say they didn’t see any blood on the vehicle on Nov 5 … because it wasn’t there on Nov 5.

And yes, Zellner did mention A23 in her appeal, doing so only to note the stain was male blood that was not matched to Avery. Obviously it is incredibly significant that there is unidentified male blood on Teresa’s RAV (along with unidentified fingerprints).

IV. Plat Maps of the Avery Salvage and Surrounding Quarry Properties

Plat Maps detail how an area of land is divided into different lots, or properties. Plat Maps clearly show property boundaries.

Believe it or not, I found this photo to be incredibly significant because the marks on the map conclusively demonstrates the State did in fact know with 100% certainty the pelvic remains were found on Manitowoc County property, but still falsely represented to the jury that the bones were found on Radandt property. More recently the State has continued their pattern of deception with Zellner, telling her the pelvic remains were found on Radandt property near a hunting camp.

Zellner interviewed Radandt, who told her the bones were actually found on the neighboring County property. Since that interview Zellner has tried correcting the State, informing them that she even checked Manitowoc County’s own plat maps, which confirm Radandt’s averments concerning the property boundaries. The State has neglected to dispute or even reply to Zellner’s troubling claim. Of course it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand why the State isn’t eager to admit they suppressed the fact that human bones were found on Manitowoc County property.

V. The Audiovox Cell Phone; Torn Women’s Jeans; and a Box of Lubricant

The phone comes up in a Nov 9, 2005 CASO Report, Page 185:

At 1450 hours, we arrived on scene just east of Ridge Rd. on STH 147. In the north ditch right along the gravel line was an Audiovox phone, silver in color, Model CDM8815UT STAR CAM. That item was found by a person searching, his name being JXXX CAMPION.

Even though the phone only came up very briefly in the CASO it was still identified by users early on as likely being connected to Teresa’s death. It is awesome that we can see photos of the phone, of course we still don’t know what if any investigation occurred after the phone’s recovery. It definitely would have been prudent, you’d think, to at least retrieve the phone’s number just to be sure it didn’t appear in Teresa’s past calls or text messages. But then again recall the State didn’t even bother to retrieve Teresa’s text messages. Point being I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised the State didn’t thoroughly investigate the activity of a random cell phone found on the side of the road considering they didn’t even thoroughly investigate Teresa’s cell phone activity.

We know that Zellner is not backing down from her claim that Teresa’s RAV was at the turnaround by the East Twin River bridge from Oct 31 – Nov 4. That turnaround is very, very close to where the Audiovox phone was found. As noted in MAM2, the turnaround is also right down the road from Scott Tadych’s trailer / Bobby’s hunting spot on Oct 31. The phone could very well be connected to the case. It almost seems as though whoever ditched the RAV at the turnaround ditched the phone as they walked towards Tadych’s trailer.

Maribel Caves Park

On November 6, 2005 (CASO Pg 122) Officer Tyson reports he was approached by Colborn, who said he “left the crime scene area to meet with a citizen at the MARIBEL CAVES PARK. Sgt. COLBORN reported that the citizen found a piece, of what appeared to be, woman’s blue jeans and also found a plastic baggie containing a lubrication box.”

As we know Zellner has raised a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel against Strang and Buting for their “failure to investigate and request DNA testing of items recovered from Maribel Caves Park.” From Page 142 of her June 7 Motion:

A civilian submitted items of potential evidentiary value that were allegedly found at Maribel Caves Park on November 6, 2005, to Sgt Colborn. Investigators inventoried items of potential evidentiary value found at Maribel Caves Park on November 6, 2005, including torn women’s blue jeans and a box containing personal lubricant. Neither of these items were subjected to forensic analysis by the State or trial defense counsel.

Maribel Caves Park is quite a bit west of Avery Auto Salvage, home to the ancient and decrepit “Hotel Hell.” I don’t know what the odds are these items are connected to the case, mainly because (just as with the Audiovox cell phone) no investigation was done into the origin of those jeans or the lubrication box. Maybe the State didn’t want to take the chance that they’d have to suppress or explain away the presence of Teresa’s DNA on those jeans / Bobby’s DNA on that box.

VI. The Reverse Side of the CASO Incident Group Time Logs

Among the new CASO photos were many shots of CASO Incident Group Time Logs, which list a team leader, search team, date of search and area searched. On the reverse side of these logs we can often see handwriting, presumably relating to items found on the search, or perhaps items that were the focus of the search.Suspicious Lists from an 11/7 Search

Others on TTM previously shared this newly released photo of handwriting on the back of an incident log:

  • In red pen, someone listed out: “Cell phone, purse, clothing, dirt rolled up disturbed, lic plate SWH 582, camera.” Lower down we see another list: “Blue jeans, white button down shirt.” A bit lower and we see the final listing: “Stay away from silt pond, restage Kuss Rd, watch for traps.” We then see the names and numbers of two of the officers who took part in the search.

Bushman’s search on 11/7

There are additional logs from November 7, one showing a search team lead by M. Bushman (a retired Manitowoc County Officer). Bushman was the leader of the group who first found the burial site at Kuss road on Nvo 7, 2005. On this ^ incident log we can see the words, “Found Burial Site” scrawled next to a name I’m not familiar with. However notice the “Found Burial Site” is crossed out with pen. We can also see the words, “Found Stump” which is also crossed out with pen.

  • On the back of this incident log we see a similar list to the one written in red pen on the incident log linked above. The list on this log is as follows: “Camera, cell phone, purse, clothing, unearthed / rolled ground, dirt disturbed, Lic Plate SWH 582, Tracks / vehicle, 5-10 foot [unknown word].”

Car Search on 11/8: A Blue & Silver Ford Tempo and a White Cutlass

The last incident log I will examine details a search by Manitowoc County and Calumet County of the Avery Salvage Yard junked vehicles on November 8, 2005.

  • On the reverse side of the log we see what the search team identified as being worthy of note. An officer wrote, “7th road: Tempo Ford GL Blue / Silver Bottom. Second car in off roadway / drag marks.” Next the officer wrote, “White Cutlass Ceira down the hill, right hand side. Personal items in back seat of vehicle. Approx 14th car.”
  • After that a very amateur map is drawn showing the location of the Ford Tempo and the Cutlass. Next to the square representing the cutlass the officer wrote: “White cutlass. Bag back seat behind driver’s seat.”

The tempo and cutlass were not the vehicles that the licence plates were found in on Nov 8, 2005. So there must be something else about these vehicles that officers thought noteworthy on Nov 8. What kind of personal items were in that bag in the backseat of the cutlass?

What really caught my attention from this log what the mention of the Ford Tempo. Unfortunately we don’t really know what the officer thought was noteworthy about the vehicle, other than a vague reference to “drag marks.” The reason the mention of a Ford Tempo caught my attention is because Bobby, in April 2006, was searching for images of car accidents involving a Ford Tempo. Bobby obviously had a reason for specifically including “Ford Tempo” in his searches for images of car accidents, I just don’t know what it was. Is this just a coincidence or is there something more here?

VII. Kuss Road photos

There have been many, many photos of Kuss road released recently, all of which give us a better idea of how much activity was going on at the cul-de-sac, a location where cadaver dogs, bloodhounds and volunteer searchers all converged on a “suspected burial site” just off the road. Of course the State wants us to believe they sent all those vehicles, people and equipment to the cul-de-sac as a mere precaution. These new photos of Kuss road directly contradict the State’s reported series of events.


  1. The meta data suggests these photos were taken on Nov 8, 2005 early in the morning (7 a.m.). The meta data must be incorrect. All reports say the activity at Kuss road initiated and completed on Nov 7, 2005. Further, quite a few of the photos of Kuss road reveal elongated shadows pointed east due to the sun setting in the west. The shadows cast by the sun in these photos are from a setting sun, not a rising sun. I believe the photos that say 7 a.m. were likely taken closer to 4 – 5 p.m., presumably on Nov 7 as the reports state.
  2. We can see that officers utilized crime scene tape to cordon off two large sections of land just south of the cul-de-sac. Others have previously pointed out what appears to be red and yellow accident reconstruction marks on the pavement.
  3. Recall we know from previously released audio that Kuss road was closed off at Highway Q immediately after the burial site was located. In some of these new photos we can see a blue tarp covering the suspected burial site, giving us a much more specific idea of where it was located in relation to the road. In one photo in particular it almost looks like there is a body shaped something under the tarp.
  4. Dozens of people were called to the cul-de-sac along with the crime lab, an ambulance, and multiple tower lights (which were utilized by investigators once darkness fell).
  5. They also had a large red transport type truck arrive on the scene just before dark for some unknown reason (the tower lights were already on scene by this point).
  6. Curiously, never once did any officer ever report requesting an ambulance come to the scene at Kuss road, nor did anyone report the fact that they requested, received and utilized tower lights to examine the suspected burial site after darkness fell. I believe Law Enforcement reported a fabricated series of events in order to cover up what actually happened at that dead end road.

Peat Moss Giving off Teresa’s Scent

As we know, according to the State all the hubbub at Kuss road was due to a bag of decomposing peat moss confusing searchers. I guess the idea here is to suggest the peat moss caused false alerts from the cadaver dogs, who are able to detect the scent of death or decay. However, that argument fails to address the fact that in addition to cadaver dogs, bloodhounds tracked Teresa’s scent to Kuss road over and over.

The bloodhounds tracking Teresa’s scent to Kuss road is much more difficult to explain away than a simple cadaver dog alert, which in and of itself might not be at all nefarious. However, cadaver dog alerts coupled with alerts from bloodhounds are incredibly significant. And don’t forget that the bloodhounds continued tracking Teresa’s scent from Kuss road passed the hunting camp into the quarry areas where more cadaver dog alerts occurred, and where human bones and burn piles were found.

IMO it is highly likely that part of Teresa’s body / part of her remains were found at the suspected burial site on Nov 7, 2005, along with some of her personal belongings. I’ve also considered that when they found Teresa her body showed obvious signs of having been subjected to torture. Perhaps it was that horrifying discovery that motivated Wiegert to submit an affidavit on Nov 7 requesting permission to search Avery’s computer for torture porn. Wiegert also, soon after the burial site was discovered on Nov 7, requested to search Avery’s person for bruises, scratches and bite marks. IMO everything begins to make a lot more sense if we assume Teresa’s body was found at Kuss road.

VIII. Honorable Mentions: Avery’s playboys, Brendan’s jeans, 2003 DOJ Reports, Return of bone evidence, Maps to Whitelaw

  • (a) Here is a photo of Avery’s playboy, penthouse and sports illustrated magazines.
  • Zellner’s crime scene and police procedural expert McCrary specifically notes in his affidavit that nothing incriminating was found on Avery’s computer, and asserts “the distinction between Mr. Avery’s computer and the Dassey computer is highly relevant, as supported by investigators’ preoccupation with finding pornography associated with Mr. Avery. The clear working theory of the investigators was that the murder of Ms. Halbach was motivated by a sexual assault.”
  • First, if consensual porn was relevant to the investigation, surely torture porn would be even more so? Second, if the State’s clear working theory was that Teresa’s murder was sexually motivated, why the fuck did the State not thoroughly investigate who in the Dassey household was looking at those images of women being violently sexually assaulted?
  • (b) Moving on. Here is a photo of the jeans Brendan was apparently wearing when he helped Avery clean up the bloody murder scene in the garage. Of course only chlorine bleach was detected on the jeans; no blood or latent blood was found, making it totally impossible that Brendan was wearing these jeans while he assisted in expertly cleaning up a bloody crime scene.
  • (c) Here is a photo of the 2003 Attorney General’s Report concerning her State Department of Justice Investigation into the handling of Avery’s 1985 arrest and conviction. This was found in Avery’s trailer, and I’m sure he read it once or twice, trying to understand how the Attorney General could have possibly cleared Manitowoc of wrongdoing / ethical violations. Most significantly, the DOJ report fails to mention anything about the 1995 call between Colborn and the Brown County officer despite the fact that Manitowoc County Officials claim to have provided the information to the Attorney General.
  • (d) Here is a photo of a Yahoo Maps print out. On the print out we can see that someone has used a pink highlighter to trace the roads leading from the Avery property to Whitelaw. Notice the date on the bottom right hand corner reveals the map was printed out on November 5, 2005, meaning the map was not printed out / highlighted by Teresa. Even so, I absolutely believe this map to be important. I can’t help but feel the map details Teresa’s suspected route after leaving the Avery property. The only thing is I don’t know who printed this out, civilian searches or law enforcement? Either way, what was it that caused someone to highlight the roads leading from the Avery property to Whitelaw?
  • (e) Here is a photo showing that the State collected a hammer that was found in the burn pit.
  • Zellner fire forensics expert says he can easily tell the burn pit was not used to cremate Teresa’s body or any body. DeHaan notes there was no blood or latent blood or body fats or any pyrolysis products of any kind detected in the soil by investigators or cadaver dogs. Second, none of the non biological material recovered from the pit (such as the hammer) was ever forensically connected to Teresa via blood, DNA or to the burning of her body via body fats or other pyrolysis products. Teresa’s body was not burned in Avery’s burn pit.
  • (f) Here is a photo showing all of the biological material that was returned to the Halbachs in violation of Wisconsin Statute. The State, without notifying Avery or his counsel, facilitated the destruction of bone evidence that they were obligated to retain. They then went on to withhold reports from Zellner once she signed onto the case in an attempt to prevent their violation from being exposed. They even went so far as to tell Zellner she could test the bones even though they full well knew the bones were no longer in State custody.
  • The items of evidence that were returned to the Halbachs consists of biological material, bones and teeth, recovered from (1) Avery’s burn pit, (2) the Dassey burn barrel, and (3) the many sites in the Manitowoc County Quarry.
  • Recall during the trial Kratz said Teresa’s remains were confined to the Avery burn pit and Dassey burn barrel. The actions of the State (in releasing the quarry bones along with the burn pit bones) suggests they absolutely knew their trial theory of Teresa’s murder was not accurate.

I’ll be back with maybe one more post like this and then I’ll start focusing on Zellner’s Appeal again.

Edit: Fixed broken link from post: “There are additional logs from November 7, one showing a search team lead by M. Bushman (a retired Manitowoc County Officer).”


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2 thoughts on “An examination of some Newly Released Evidence Photos

  1. I enjoyed this article very much , and interested in a lot more , I’m studying this case as hard as I can and I am willing to bet that the male blood in the Rav 4 will belong to Scott Tadych or Mike Osmundson .then what will the state say ? That they were all in with ring leader Steve Avery ? No they will have to give up , and release Steven and Brendan and like Scott Tadych said “This is the best day ever ! ” I am behind Steven and Brendan 100%

  2. I just watched the beginning of CaM S1E8.
    It’s a dog and dogey show.

    Sarah and her dog “loof” are trying to make it look like MaM didn’t want anyone to know about what Loof found.

    Loof is a scent dog. He looks for human scent that is less than 300 hours old. He looks for the scent he was provided. He does not look for dead people. Cadaver dogs look for dead people, but they don’t look for specific dead people, just the scent of dead.

    We know that Teresa was at Avery’s on Oct 31st.
    To find her scent there means nothing.
    To find her scent at her Rav4 means nothing.

    Finding her scent at the quarry. Now that means something!!!!!!!!!!

    As I said, Loof wasn’t looking for remains. He was looking for the scent of live Teresa. Teresa had been alive at the cul-de-sac (culdesack) (it’s faster to type culdesack) 🙂

    Let me repeat that. Teresa was alive at that cul-de-sac!!!!

    How long before? Within 300 hours of Loof hitting on her scent.

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